Hospice Goals

The primary focus of Eden Hospice is to maintain comfort by supporting as much physical functioning as possible and maintaining quality of life. Efforts to modify and treat the life-limiting disease may also continue. Eden Hospice focuses on comfort by providing the following:

  • Treatment of pain, shortness of breath, constipation, nausea, and other symptoms.
  • Medication, supplies, and durable medical equipment.
  • Care and services at the patient's place of residence (private home, group home, assisted living or skilled nursing facility, etc.)
  • Emotional, spiritual, and social support.
  • Training and support for caregivers.
  • Counseling and grief support.
  • Bereavement services for loved ones.

The Eden Hospice Care Team

Eden Hospice uses an Interdisciplinary Team approach. Patients and families are the heart of this team.

Caregiver Support

Family members and other caregivers may not feel prepared to handle all the changes that come with their loved one's final stage of life.

Talking and Listening

Often, patients who are nearing end of life feel anxious and stressed about the process. Talking about what they are thinking, feeling and needing with regard to how they want to be cared for when the end is near can be very comforting. You may complete the Physicians Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment (POLST) or an advance directive called the "5 Wishes" which is completed by the patient and given to their physician and their Eden Hospice team.

Help with "Letting Go"

As death approaches, you can help your loved one to attend to unfinished business and take care of financial responsibilities. It is important to many patients to decide who will receive their personal possessions and they may want to create or update their will.

Caregiver Care

The final weeks of a loved one's life can be physically and emotionally overwhelming. It is important that you find the time to take care of yourself as well. Challenge yourself to:

  • Step outside for fresh air or sit in a quiet place to collect your thoughts.
  • Follow a balanced diet.
  • Limit stressful situations as much as possible.
  • Ask for help, in all aspects of your life.
  • Confide in friends, a spiritual counselor or the Eden Hospice team.

How Hospice Works

1. Referral

Anyone can refer a patient to Eden Hospice. Once a referral is made, Eden Hospice completes an "informational visit" with the patient and family to help guide them through the process and obtain a physician's order for care. Eden Hospice then works with the patient's physician to review eligibility. Our clinical team works closely with the patient, family, and physician to make sure your needs are met as soon as possible.

2. Eligibility

The patient's physician and the Eden Hospice Medical Director work together to determine your eligibility for the hospice benefit. Both physicians then sign off on physician orders for hospice care and forward it to the Eden Hospice office.

3. Admission

After receiving the referral, Eden Hospice reviews documentation and sends a Registered Nurse to complete a thorough evaluation of needs and to develop the plan of care. Admission to Eden Hospice is not based on your race, color, creed, sex, age, handicap (mental or physical), communicable disease(s), veteran status/history, or place of national origin.

4. Plan of Care

Eden Hospice uses an interdisciplinary approach to planning your care. This means that a variety of clinical professionals will collaborate with you, your physician, and your family to develop your plan of care. Your plan of care will include:

  • Setting-up equipment (such as a hospital bed).
  • Training caregivers on giving medication and other care.
  • Continuous evaluation of the patient and adjusting medications if needed.
  • Providing the patient and family emotional, spiritual, and other support as needed.

A member of our nursing staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week through our on-call service, which is reached by calling our office. If symptoms cannot be managed where the patient lives, they may be cared for at an inpatient facility or hospital.

Hospice also offers respite care. This gives caregivers a break for a period of 5 days or less while the patient is cared for at an inpatient facility or hospital.

Patients can revoke hospice care at any time. Patients can also remain on hospice with an extended prognosis if the hospice team agrees that a patient continues to meet hospice eligibility.

5. When the Time Comes

When a person enters the final stage of life, their physical and emotional needs begin to emerge.

Physically, the body begins to shut down in a variety of ways. This usually does not translate into medical emergencies that require invasive interventions, but rather, the natural, normal way that the body prepares for end of life. During this time, Eden Hospice provides comfort-enhancing care.

Emotionally, your loved one begins to seek release. Spiritual beliefs may come into play. They may need resolution of a troubling issue, or sometimes need to receive permission to let go from their family and/or friends.

When the body is ready, but the mind is not, your loved one may linger, despite discomfort. It is important to support your loved one at this time, encouraging their ability to let go and transition.

Eden Hospice continues to provide services after the patient has passed away. We can:

  • Comfort loved ones.
  • Give guidance on what should be done with unused medicine.
  • Help the family prepare for the funeral home.
  • Arrange to remove equipment.
  • Provide grief support and bereavement services for up to 13 months following the patient's death.

6. Payment

Eden Hospice accepts a variety of payment options. Our services are reimbursed by Medicare, Medicaid, Commercial Insurance, Veteran's Administration, Managed Care or paid privately. Some insurance providers may require a pre-authorization before we are able to begin services and there may be coverage limits as described by your benefit package. Eden Hospice will discuss payment options with you prior to providing services.

Bringing Connected Care Home

Contact Eden Hospice for additional information. We will be happy to discuss your situation and find the best option for you.