Fear of falling should not keep you from enjoying life
If you have concerns about falling, you are not alone. Among those over 65, falls are a leading danger that can cause broken bones, hospitalizations, and even fatalities. That is where Eden Home Health comes in. Our home-based Integrated Balance Program is focused on fall prevention and making a dramatic difference in the lives of seniors. Our program incorporates prevention, education, and customized care to improve your balance and increase independence.
How our balance program helps fall prevention
Traditional balance programs treat all patients the same, but we recognize that each patient is different. Our team identifies weaknesses related to balance, then works with you and your physician to develop an individualized plan of care to improve your mobility. Elements of a plan may include:
- Evaluating your balance, including vision, inner ear, sensation, coordination, and strength.
- Examining your health and medications.
- Reviewing the use of assistive devices, such as canes or walkers.
- Assessing your living environment for potential fall hazards.
- Recommending specific activities to strengthen your balance.

The Five "E"s of Fall Prevention
Our team evaluates the patient's history of falls as well as any probable causes. Causes can include physical impairments, living situation, equipment issues, etc. There are many factors to consider, and it is essential to identify the main issues increasing a patient's fall risk.
We help determine the need for and assist in obtaining proper equipment and devices to decrease the patient's fall risk and increase the overall safe mobility within the home.
Our team develops instructions on fall precautions, medication awareness, safety principles, home programs, need for supervision, and more.
If appropriate, a therapist develops an exercise program for patients to improve their mobility, strength, coordination, and balance – intended to decrease the risk of future falls.
As discharge from Home Health approaches, our team encourages the continuation of long term exercise, fall safety precautions, and helps identify the need for additional care.
A Better Life Begins with a Single Step
Please contact Eden Home Health for additional information. We will be happy to discuss your situation and find the best option for you.