Our Eden Home Care of Bozeman Team


Timarie Buhl

General Manager


LaTosha Garner

Bozeman Care Manager


Justice Martinson

Butte Care Manager


Timarie Buhl

General Manager

My healthcare journey began way back in 1998 when I got my CNA license. Before Eden, I worked in a variety of healthcare places ranging from helping adults in group homes to SNIFS and finally to Home Care where I found my perfect match. I was a CNA for 24 years and once Eden purchased my old company, they gave me the opportunity to be the Home Care Manager with Eden. I really love working in Home Care as it helps people remain in their homes that they have memories in and have lived at for years. It is a privilege to be welcomed into a client's home and to get to know them on a personal level. Eden does many things to help this happen and we are also honored to serve our vets in the community.

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LaTosha Garner

Bozeman Care Manager

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Justice Martinson

Butte Care Manager

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Activities of Daily Living
Professional caregivers can provide ongoing assistance with what are commonly called Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), such as:
  • Toileting & Incontinence Care
  • Transferring and Positioning
  • Dressing, Grooming, Bathing & Hygiene
  • Assistance with Feeding

Award-Winning Care in Bozeman

Certified Great Place to Work

Great Place to Work Certification leverages 30 years of research to quantify the current state of your workplace culture and show you how it compares to the best in the world. The certification process gathers and evaluates employee feedback and recognizes companies who have built high-trust, high-performance company cultures.

We are proud to have all Eden Health locations receive this certification, 5 years in a row!!

Best of Home Care Provider of Choice

Agencies with the highest quality receive the Best of Home Care Award from Home Care Pulse®, the leading quality assurance firm for home care. This award is based on client satisfaction scores from several categories, including Compassion, Work Ethic, Communication, and Training. These award-winning agencies have proven that they provide the highest level of quality, professionalism, and expertise in home care.

Best of Home Care Employer of Choice

Recognition as an Employer of Choice means we set the highest standard for caregiver satisfaction. Our satisfaction scores rank in the top percentile nationally across all categories. These scores are based on monthly third-party phone interviews with the agency’s clients and caregivers, conducted by Home Care Pulse. As a recipient of a Best of Home Care Employer of Choice award, you can have confidence that our caregivers will be happy to serve you.

Contact Eden Home Care of Bozeman

Counties Served

Beaverhead, Broadwater, Carbon, Deer Lodge, Flathead, Gallatin, Golden Valley, Granite, Jefferson, Lake, Lincoln, Madison, Missoula, Musselshell, Park, Powell, Sanders, Silver Bow, Stillwater, Sweet Grass, and Yellowstone

What do they say about Eden Home Care of Bozeman?

John Rowan May 2022

It helps to have someone to care [for my Dad] and become part of our family.

Glen Gibbons June 2022

I like how professional the caregivers are, they make life a lot easier. The caregiver [does] everything I ask without complaints. They are available when I need them and able to make changes when I needed them to. I appreciate my caregiver's responsiveness and willingness to do more.

John Krebbs June 2022

I have good service because the caregivers do what I ask of them. I feel comfortable knowing that they are here to watch and take care of [my Dad]. They help around the house such as doing his laundry and cleaning around the house. They answer any question that I have right away and whenever I have a problem, they always satisfy my needs.

Lois Johnson May 2022

I like that the Agency makes a real strong effort to make sure we are taken care of. The caregiver shows up on time and meets my Mom's needs.

Eden Home Care – Bozeman
2075 Charlotte St
Suite 2
Bozeman MT 59718
United States